The qualities of the hostess are traditionally determined by how clean the sink and the toilet are clean in the house, how brilliant the cranes are and the sewer system is working regularly (that is, not clogged). That is why it is so important to be able to choose a suitable detergent for plumbing, so that you do not deserve a reputation as a bad mistress or a bad owner. There are certain criteria for good detergent and cleaning agents that must be taken into account when choosing a product. If the goods are chosen correctly, you can remove all the existing rust, ducklings and various plaque from plumbing.
When choosing a detergent, the following factors must be taken into account:
* Processed surface;
* The level of pollution.
The fact is that a tool that performs the task is selected and does not spoil the plumbing itself.
Classification of detergents
If we classify such substances in composition, they can be:
* Alkaline;
* Acidic.
Their classification for the release and consistency is still possible – they are:
* Liquid;
* Gel;
* Creamy;
* In the form of a spray;
* As a powder.
By the number of abrasive substances, cleaning agents are:
* Non -pectoral;
* Coarse;
* Small amybrasive.
At the same time, it must be understood that too frequent use of abrasives will destroy the upper enamel, as a result of which it will become porous, and the newly formed pollution will be stronger. In the preparation of this article, Catalogue materials were used.
Processing of plumbing surfaces
Among the advanced chemicals, you can find special substances that process enamel, as well as ceramic coatings. With their help, any kind of dirt is carefully and carefully removed, and the processed surface is disinfected.
At the same time, caution is also necessary – for example, you can not clean the bath, which is hydrochloric acid. It destructively acts on the enamel surface.
Rusty smudges can be removed by special tools designed to combat rust. Their main components are active acids. But caution is necessary, since salts are distinguished that adversely affect the quality of enamel. That is why it is necessary to wash off the solution by means of warm water immediately after the dissolution of rust. If all these conditions are fulfilled, your plumbing will be in perfect order, look clean and beautiful.
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