Few people know what the word color print on wallpaper means, more precisely, few definitions, although in fact everything is much easier, just these wallpaper differ from their usual pattern. Of course, the wallpaper with the pattern differs not only in their appearance, but also the difficulty in their installation, because the joints should converge, so that the drawing continues to each other. This is quite easy to achieve if you follow not complicated, but effective rules. It is especially necessary to start as usual when pasting the walls, namely from the window, and move along the wall. The main thing is that all the joints converge, but you should not excessively focus on this and forget about elementary things. For example, the wallpaper reached stern strictly from top to bottom, and directly from the state of the roll, gradually turning it to the bottom. In the upper part and lower, there should be not large indentations. Then they can be cut, but if there are simply no wallpaper, enough for the length of the wall, this will cause many more problems. These are banal advice when working with wallpaper, but what to do in this case with the wallpaper of a colored print. Everything is extremely simple here. We cut off the first strip from the roll, just as they do it all, the main thing is to observe the length. It will be good if there is a special table for wallpaper, since it will be possible to correlate two stripes according to the figure. If they coincide both at the seams and in length, then you can safely start pasting the camp of the first and second stripes. It is worth observing the angle, use a spatula for leveling and removing air bags. If it turned out, so the drawing did not match, you can try to lift the wallpaper and re -pacify them, but this often leads to the fact that in the weakest place the material is simply cut and becomes not suitable for use. And to increase the effect of such wallpapers to maximize the texture, be sure to use candles. It will be better to buy aromatic candles in Moscow. Thus, you can create a beautiful interior not only with the help of light, but also add a wonderful aroma.
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